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A school leader makes or breaks a school. A good leader will enhance the reputation of a school through positive and constructive actions and behaviours but this can be decimated in an instant by the opposite.
School tone, culture, vision and practice emanate from the leader and the people they gather around them in their team, if they have a team, whether for good or for ill.
It is crucial then that the appointment of a school leader is approached by those responsible as a task of the utmost importance, demanding time, patience, clarity of purpose, professionalism in the process and a consensus for which accountability is inherent.
Do you need assistance here?


A school’s culture goes a long way to determining its success. From the experience of student learning to the experience of prospective parents crossing its threshold for the first time, school culture is an intrinsic element in the DNA of the school, for good or ill.
How can we assist you to ensure your school’s culture is a powerfully positive characteristic of your school?


Today, how does a school communicate its story and message to the world in the midst of multifaceted media competing for presence in the sphere of a school’s actual and potential community?
What is the value of regularity versus occasional depth; how much is ever read; is the era of face to face meetings coming to an end?
Where can we assist you in maximising the impact of your school’s communication?


Who comes to an international school and why do they do so? How clear are schools on this and how proactive are they in nurturing this community and looking for additional ones? Have schools a proactive mindset in regard to their school community; how actively involved is the community in the life of the school; do they feel barriers to involvement; how visible is the school to them? Are they welcome? How do they know?
How can we assist you to answer these questions?


Imagine what schools were like in 1970? What has changed in 2020? What will schools be like in 2070?
Where are international schools and education heading in the next 50 years? What agilities will be required of schools to address the inevitable changes coming down the line? What wrenching realisations may come our way during this period which go to the very heart of what we now routinely practise and take for granted?
Let us work with you now to factor in elements which may become intrinsic in the near future.

Covid 19 is changing how we view education. We are here to discuss/advise/consult with you, supporting you and your school community, on how to recalibrate your curriculum delivery in these challenging times. 

Contact us today to discuss how we may help you navigate these exciting challenges.